Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Readers, do not hasitate to ask about Profertil,Ovidrel dan biaya2 yg tidak gw sebut y. Silahkan y. Free to discuss any things kok.

Apotik: RSCM Kencana, Alvin Farma Kelapa Gading dan Megaria Matraman

USG Feto maternal&USG di spesialist endokrin:RSCM poli kebidanan lt.1

HSG: Pramita Lab
Cek darah lengkap: Prodia Lab
Sperm check: Biolab
Induksi Ovulasi: Profertil+ Injeksi subkutan Ovidrel.


entah gw harus mulai dari mana bercerita. 2 minggu menunggu itu deg-degan, berharap bgt dan juga siap kecewa. Dan H-2 dr jadwal peripd gw, ada flek kluar. Berharap itu implantation bleeding, tp spertinya gw hrus sangat berbesar hati. Gw sempat memeriksakan diri ke SpKk krn gw keputihan ga jelas. Dokter cm blg "ini mau haid. Agak bercampur darah" sekerika gw drop dan berkali2 memarahi dokter muda itu untuk tidak mngatakan gw akan haid. Tapi gw memang mungkin harus sangat berbesar hati untuk menerima ini. Malamny ad sdikit flek dan saat pipis ada sedikit ky selaput darah kluar. Seediiiikiiiiiiit bgt. Hari2 sblmnya emang sakit perut ky mw haid tp entah knp agak beda. Lbih sering tp singkat. Sangat singkat. Bs beberapa kli emang tp ga terus2an.... Anak itu rejeki. Bukannya Allah akan kasih rejeki dari arah yg tidak diduga2? Gw mungki emang lbh memperbaiki kualitas diri, kesehatan juga biar nnti gw bs bilang sm anak gw kl dy didunia ga sekedar having fun tp juga hrs ad qulity yg hrs dy built. Yaaa mempersiapkan diriw jadi orang tua itu emang ga ad sekolahny gak ky mw jadi guru meskipun qt akan jdi guru pertama buat anak qt. Mempersiapkan mental harus kudu wajib. Materi. Dan yg psti mah harus sabar. Mungkin Allah blm liat it dr diri gw or suami. Gw yaakin Kun Fayakun. Dan gw yakin ketika Allah liat qt ud siap maka disegerakan pula di kasi titipan terindah itu. Yang penting qt berusaha , ikhtiar dan berdoa. Gw pilih ikhtiar ke dokter karena Allah kasi mereka kapercayaan untuk membantu manusia lainnya (ky gw yg butuh bantuan medis). Gw yakin tangan Allah bekerja. Biarkan saja dokter bekerja sesuai tugas ny dan Allah yg mumutuskan. Ya Allah, mudahkan usahakan kami. Beri kami kepercayaan untuk mendidik dan merawat titipan Mu. Aamin.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

"Bismillah, Ovidrel"

H13 time to check my follicle. I have 3. One dominant, 16mm. Dr. Gita bilang back again in anotger 2 days, H15. Wait for its growht. If the follicle dominant growth, then he'll suggest to inject Ovidrel. I agree. No special agreement for this since i am not committed to have insem. Meskipun dokter bilang sudah bisa insem tapi keputusan di tangan pasien. No prescreption juga.

H15. Back to check by transvaginal ultrasound. I never mind of such a treatment. I would do anything. Anything. I also dont mind if the docks are men. I dont feel nervous at all. They do what they should do. Thats it. OK, Now time for Dr Andon (thr most famous one). Finally i met him. He is so supple. Open minded. Care. And sooo simple yet strict to point. Its my personal opinion loh. Di ruang endokrin itu ad 3 dokter, dr. Andon, Dr Olive dan satu asisten Dr Duta Atur. Dr Duta Atur yg mulai melaksanakan usg dan samar gw denger dy bilang "Bismillah tarik nafas bu"  gw sedikit haru dan masya allah dokter ini pasti mau yg terbaik buat pasiennya. Layar USG menunjukkan folikel dominan 20mm yg siap untuk dikeluarkan telurnya. Ini seperti dugaan gw bahwa tiap hari per dosis terakhir profertil folikel berkembang 2mm hingga masa subur dan bila ad keterlambatan itu hanya terlambat satu hari dan masih wajar. Dr Andon bilang "bicarakan dl dngn ibu nya. Mw gak pake ovidrel" Deg.... What happen aya naon????

Dr Olive menerangkan dengan bantuan Dr. andon "Ovidrel di proses bersentuhan dengan babi namun kini sudah todak lagi. Setelah obatnya jadi maka sudah clean dr babi"
dr andon menegaskan "obat ini membutuhkan enzim untuk melepaskan hormonnya. Dan ini obat paling bagus. Kl ibu tidak mau, ad Pregnyl. Ini tidak bersentuhan sama sekali dengan babi"
gw pun penasaran "efek keberhasilannya gmn dmn? Sejauh ini bagaiman dengan pasien yg pake ini?". Dr. Andon sambil ngangguk2 " so far banyak yg berhasil. Tingkat keberhasil beda tipis sm pregnyl"
gw baliki lgike domter2 yg ad di depan gw "kl menurut dokter gmn?"
dr olivr cm jawab " terserah ibu. Ga ad bedanya kok bu". Dr. Andon jawab "ini kan darurat dan itu gpp" . Dr Duta cm catet2 aj secara dy asisten. Ok gw putuskan untuk cari itu Ovidrel. FYI, ovidrel itu satu2 nya r-HCg yg diakui FDA. Gw ke apotik RSCM Kencana untuk beli Ovidrel. Allah kian menguji gw. Ovidrel habis. Gw tlp kk ipar gw yg di Kimia Farma. Kimia Farma ga pernah jual Ovidrel. Deg.... Gw lun mulqi keringet dingin. Gw hars di suntik hari itu juga. Satu hal yg gw syukuri gw ga perlu doaia tambahan profertil karena dengan dosus kecil pun folikel merespon dengan baik, jadi Ovidrel harus segera di sunyik untuk menteigger telur keluar.. Orang apotik Kencana blg Ovidrel tersedia di Apotik Megaria. Katanya di Matraman tp entah knp suster apotiknya gelagapan wktu gw tnya itu posiainya dmn. Gw cm punya waktu bbrp jam sblm rumah sakit tutup. Gw kembali ke Dr. andon. Gw bilang ovidreql habis tpi mereka punya pregnyl. Dr. Andon setuju. Tp gw ttp brusaha cari oviedrel. Gw googling dan gw cari Apotik Megaria. Begitu ketemu, gw langsung klik call dr Google.dengan suara tergesa2, sang operator seakan mengerti ketergesaan gw. Tanpa nego apa2, gw bilang gw di rscm pasien Dr. Andon dan operator pun langsung memberi service,COD. Hampir satu jam gw menunggu. Harap2 cemas. Gw temui Dr. Andon lagi dan blg gw dapet Ovidreldnya "O yo wis bagus kl gt" begitu katanya singkat. Gw segera ke ATM terdekat untuk bil uang buat bayar ovidrelnya. Ajaib aja sih, orng apotik papasan di pintu sam gw dan langsung bilang "Ibu Siti Nurhayati?" Gw cm blg "Iya. Mas dari Megaria?" Sang tukang delivery pun cm jawab singkat "iya Bu" ok gw pun makin ergegas ke ATm " mas ikut sy ke ATM y. Sklian sy bayar". Keluar dr ATM gw langsung kasi duitnya dan mas nya pun langsung kasi satu ampul Ovidrel tersegel beseta 2gel pengganti es batu. Gw langsung masuk ruangan donter dan kasi itu obat. Pegawai admin dan dokter yang ad diruangan sedikit takjub dan bertanya2 bagaimana gw mendapatkan Ovidrel dalam waktu singkat.

penyuntikan dimulai. Dua jari di bwah pusar. " nih Bu, liat y saya injeksi di sini. Jarumnya kecil kok. Ga smpe tembus ke lemak ibu" ahahahhaha 3 kepala yang ada di depan perut gw. Orang dmin, Dr. Olive dan Dr Duta. "waaa dok di foto dong ahhahaha" yang ad di ruangan pun ikutan ketawa.. Pesan Dr. Olive "jgn lupa berhubungan y bu. Jgn stress stress. Olahraga"

now i am in 2 weeks waiting.. Tmn di kantor cm blg " mba lagi di uji. Ibarat ujian. Mba uda blajar mati2an. Jalanin aja. Pasrah mba. Ikhlas. Serahin hasilnya sm Allah" dan gw pun menancapkan kalimat itu di diri gw.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The struglle to have you, baby

semua bermula di bulan Maret 2015. Menjelang 3thn pernikahan di bulan juni gw dan mamas terus berharap gw mengandung. Tapi ternyata kami belum di beri kepercayaan itu. Setelah berdiskusi panjang dengan persiapan materi dan mental, gw memberanikan diri untuk ke dokter (lagi) setelah terakhir kali yaitu 1,5thn yang lalu. Dokter cm bilang "akan sama aja pemeriksaannya Bu. Kenapa tidak dilanjutkan saat itu?" Gw cm jawab singat sambil mesem2 "takut dok" dokter di depan gw cm geleng2. Semua diawali dengan pemeriksaan darah lengkap,hormon,HSG dan folikel. Biaya yang keluar memang tidak sedikit tapi sepertinya tekad sudah bulat. At least gw tau kenapa gw blm tekdung juga. Untuk melengkapi pemeriksaan itu, si mamas juga di cek. Meski awalnya ga mau tapi akhirnya dy menurunkan egonya,demi si junior. Pemeriksaan tidak sampai di situ saja. Gw membawa semua hasil lab yg di sarankan dokter. Entah apa yg terlewati, setelah hasil itu ada dokter bolang gw hrs tracking siklus gw guna mengetahui kondisi folikel. Gw sempat jenuh dan break bbrp bulan. Hingga akhirnya memutuskan untuk kembali lagi. Gw ikutin semua step yang dokter perlukan. Fyi, gw promil di RSCM dengan dokter PPDS dan gw sm sekali ga meragukan mereka karena mereka di bawah pengawasan dokter2 handal RSCM. Kalau pemeriksaan sama dengan kwalitas sama dan lbh murah,kenapa pilih yang mahal?? Haa itu sih opsi masing2 y. Ok back again y... Di siklus 29 Juli 2015 kmrn gw haid dan mulai mengkonsumsi obat induksi ovulasi, Profertil. Sebelumnya dokter mendiskusikan mengenai program inseminasi buatan, tp gw tetap mau dengan alami meski dengan bantuan obat induksi ovulasi. Tanggal 10 Agustus tiba waktunya melihat folikel. Hasil USG ny satu folikel dominan berukuran 16mm. Harapan dokter dan kami adalah minimal 18-20mm agar bs mengeluarkan telur atw tindakan injeksi seperti ovedril. Dokter bilang untuk liat perkembangan folikel itu hingga dua hari mendatang. Kalau sudah sesuai maka injeksi bisa menjadi tindakan selanjutnya. Dokter yang memeriksa gw kali ini dokter senior meskipun ada dokter PPDSnya tapi yang me jelaskan semua pertanyaan gw yaa dokter senior itu. Fyi juga y, dokter PPD itu selalau didampingi kok. No need to worry about them. They take PPDS to have their specialty. They are a dokter, no need to worry they do malpractice.
Wish me luck...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Binggo 5 plans of mine for another amazing 5 years.

-wheel vehicle, failed. Another year i planed to renovate my hut, failed
mistakes above, now i plan my excutes my plans not so easy to do and put it into my long term plans. Yes it is since i have to rearrange all the previous plans that failed heheheh... Several years ago i planed to merried, yes we did. Another planed was to have four-wheel vehicle, failed. Another year i planed to renovate my hut, failed since i was jobless. Lesson learn is whatever we plan, put Allah inside since HE will decide your plan. My fault was i only include money and plan, no Allah.

Learnt from my biggest mistakes above, now i plan my wishlist and include money/effort, do'a, and dhuha (Allah). Here we go to my 5 priority list for the following 5 years.

1. Baby
Been merried for almost 3 years we have'nt have a baby. We have plan thua since first year, but failed since i only include money but no effort on it. Now, i am on progress consulting the doctors and have some tests. I follow all the suggestions and hopefully in the near future i will have a baby.

2. Success Enterpreneur
Having a lot of college not means i am able to sell what i sell. I need extra effort on this. Dream to have own workshop for automotive is the biggest dream on making money. This is actually my husband's, not mine but can you imagine how much will he earn for the wifey?? Much money ehhehehe wifey only sits on the cashier heheheh.

3. Own Educational Course
Being a teacher is not my passion but to educate people is my interest. This is my dream since long time ago and i hope i can execute this next two years when the fund is sufficient and the human resource is enough.

4. House

After all, my obsession is having a cute little house with mountain view. Yes it supposed to be the first on the list but since i live with my parents, so house is not priority list. One day, i have to think about this and this is the time when the fund is settled and the location is as expected. I dont expect for investation but i expect where children and parents can be together in fresh air and good environment. So, next 5 years we will be at home together.

5. Master degree
Last but not least, everyone wants be well educated so i plan to study again abroad. I   decide to study again,not for me but for my children. Women suppose to be at home and raise the children but doesn't mean they cant study as high as they can. Clever mom will make the children proud and no need to pay extra course for some lessons at school.

We conclude that everywish that we raise, Allah's decision is the best. We plan it well and God excute the final

By the way i wrote this for and

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Inspirasi Profesi

one of inspire person, Mahfud MD

Its been long time not to post on my old blog heheheh. Sorry but i was too busy to build my castle hahahah no, its just an ordonary living i guess. Well, talk about profession, yes i can't say that my profession is bed or good in building my castle but Alhamdulillah people often say that being a journo is the greatest job. Yes, but it was. I met public figures, an extra ordinary disable, the most inspiring persons in some periods. Experince many things make me mentally grow up. Why?? Since i had to face many characters, it built me into a very humble person. I have to know how i great person, not only common people or elderly citizen but also to kids, peer teenagers and the person i've just known. The interesting one of being a journo is we can broaden mind, characters, knowledge and of course enlarge reletionship. I was so happy and lucky to be. Felt that i knew the whole things in this wild world. One of the most memorable experience when i was went to the House of Representative. For us,journalist, that place is a 'warehouse' of 'money': Hot money, bribe, and and many other that related to it. I'm not supposed to say that that house is 'haram' but neither do 'halal'. My experience was when i interviewed the legeslatif from one of national party. Its hard to got him since he was in case. My time during in his room was frighten. The bodyguard was there and watched over me. The man who sat before me was the one who really2 tried to be seen as the most powerful. He commanded the bodyguard only by eyes then the body guard instructed me to did what the eyes said. I was so nervous and it made me frozen but i kept on asking. I left the room with all the sayings that i had to memorized and made it into my report. One place that i would go was canteen. I was starving and freez. Suddenly, the bodyguard chased after me, gave a white envelope. I refused it but too late, another reporters had just arrived and he let the envelope fell to ground. Did not what to do and the bodyguard take the envelope and kept it into me hand and left me breathless. Arrived at the office and told the things and they would arrange the 'skenario penyelamatan'. I gave the envelope and put it on the secretary desk.  Amazingly, it suprised me when i arrived at home, the envelope back into my bag.
 Things to be noted and inspire people is be an honest one will not make you rich but accept things that u dont deserve will be nighmare for whole life. And speak up the truth is priceless.

This is us after 2 years merried. It was not a honeymoon, it was touring. We rode a bike to got to this amazing beach, Klayar beach in Pacitan. Ooooh famn good. No need to go far away if you guys wanna see Allah's creature. I will give u the review soon lah y... Heheheh