pengen banget jadi pengusaha.yaaah usahanya ga muluk2 siyy...pengen jdi pengusaha ojjek.inspirasi dr delivery ojek di jakarta,lupa namanya appaan tp kreatif taxi ojek gt,dilengkapi GPS sbenernya ga sejauh itu keinginan cm mau mengantar mereka yg lg buru2 dan mles naik bis ketempat kerja atw kmana aj slamanya rutenya sama ky gw.Sukapura-kuningan-Sudirman-Thamrin.hahahah oneng bgt kaan???tp cuma pagi aja krn gw hrs kerja jam8 atw terima sore atw mlm hehehhe(ntar kl banyak request br bikin nite rider)hahahah icha icha...soal tariff mah relatif,terganting destinasi.
Naaah sementara ngojek+kerja,gw mw skolah lgi ambil S2 Komunikasi di LSPR atw yaaaah skolah komunikasi lainnya lah.nah kl gw dah punya si Mamas untuk slamany,yaaa dy jd ojek pribadi+direction consultant(kl gw pst nyasar mulu)kan kl gw kerja,dy bs jd pengusaha dirumah.kl uda punya buntut,kan ad ojek yg bs nganter jemput mereka...hahahahahyyy gw mimpi ktinggian kali org2 diJakarta skrg uda pda cape nyettir,kl bukan soal ga nyaman naik motor mah pst pd milih kndaraan roda dua..nih yee gw pst bisa bkin 4-wheel-owner itu pesen ojek sm gw hehehe..trus kl uda banyak permintaan niy,ojeknya boleh cw(tp gak tega ah)dipastiin helmnya ga apek,ojeknya ga bau,motornya ga ngadat dan ga ugal2an..
Yaa Alllah smmoga bs terwujud lah..
Tp ttp obsesi utama adalah bikin sarana pendidikan yg senyaman mungkin(bisa ngafe) ga y ojek delivery digabung sm pendidikan berkonsep cafe?
Later lah dwujudkan..skrg fokus nyari duit sm nunjukkin performance dikantor sambil seeking another opportunities
aaaargh smuanya mudah kok,ga ad yang sulit.hanya mereka yang suka berandai2 mendapatkan ssuatu yg lebih kl khidupan sblmnya ga pernah puas...belajar dr kesalahan itu adalah baik,merubah diri juga baik bahkan untuk merubah pola pikir skalipun itu baik.sseorang akan mrasa tertampar ketika apa yang ia temukan ga pernah ssuai dengan harapannya...mereka akan memperbaiki diri ketika sudah terjatuh tp tidak pernah mw berfikir apa yang ad didepannya;jebakan batman,tai ayam,diberakin burung mobilnya dll..sehingga smua dianggap'gpp,ga ad apa2'
entah baik atw tidak,tp waspada itu perlu.entah baik atw tidak,kmungkinan terburuk itu penting diperkirakan dan entah baik atw tidak ssuatu yg negatif terlintas apalgi pernah terjadi.hanya kedelai yang jatuh dilubang yg sm dan mengulang ksalahan yg sma.
if i were birds....hahahah
mungkin enak kali y jadi burung....terbang,bebas,mengintai apaan aj,jadi predator ky Elang...ngoceh kaya Parrot atw kliaran mlm2 ky OWL...lebih enak lagi jd Canary,dimanjaaaa bgt trus harganya mahal,ngoceh sana sini jadi kebanggaan bukan disiruh diem(scara gw bawel bgt)...jadi elang itu paling disegani walau ttp diburu entah untuk apa.Gw pengen banget jadi Pelican hahahha makanin ikan(scara ikan itu bergizi tp paling dibenci sm si mamas)kwkwkwkkwk...
Trus enak tuh punya kpala bisa muter 360drajat kya OWL heheheh tpi dy bs muterin kpala gtu buat apa y??perna kecengklak ga y????
Parrot,Canary,turtledov hahahha burung piaraannya bapak2 dan kakek2..
Anak muda sukanya apa y???main burung DaRa??mungkin,main anak dara iya heheheh
o y satu lagi,Merpati...enak tuh jadi Merpati,bisa baca surat cinta orang,yang pasti pnuh gombal rayuan pulau kelapa...
Merak???ga enak,ga bisa terbang.
Heheheh tapi paling enak mungkin jadi 'BURUNG'
Tears of Mine
am i wrong if i always angry at you in order of your goodnes and ours???am i wrong if i always talkative so that u can change ur bad habbits??
And am i wrong if i pout so that u know that i am angry??
Only Lord knows how much i care,i adore and how i was ignored.
I wish i were Spiderman who always be there for you,to rescue you from any damage and harm.i also wish if i were cat woman who could stay out at nigt to watch over you and sleep with you without knowing who i am.and i always wish if i were wonder woman.but the most thing i wish is only if i were listend,not ignored and were your forever spouse in the world and the beyond.
Don't u know how tires i am,as if i know how tired u r...
I only have virginity once to be taken,i only one wing to fly,i only have one heart to be filled and i need you to fulfil and to complete them.
Damn My self
sampe skrg gw masih buta untuk liat siapa aj disekeliling gw...teman skaligus sahabat ud ga tw kmana,giliran pd pusing,bingung,gw jd bantalan.giliran pd seneng,bisa berbagi sm yg lain,luppppa aj gt sm yg lebih aneh,crita ke gw lain,crita ke yg lain beda lagi.hhhmmmm...silent is gold...pengen banget lupain smua ttg persahabatan,pertemanan,hubungan baik de el el tp gw kan manusia yg hrus berso-sia-li-sa-si...yup resikonya adalah gw hrus jd pendengar setia.ngomong ga didengerin,y udalah jd pendengar gimaaana y gw kan bawel,rese,kettus,kl ngomong ga diayak y udah bodo amat jg.terserah mw denger apa ngga.
Gw sbenernya cm kangen sm masa2 gw sm tmn2 gw,cekikikan,iseng,brasa innocent,ga ada skit hati,ga ad tersinggung2,ketawa lepas,berimajinasi yg mulllluk pengen bgt mereka tw gmn rasanya SENDIRIAN,ga pnya tempat crita,dicuekin sm org yg disayang,trus ditolak.
Untuk pertama kalinya gw nangis,buat orang yg(mungkin)ga pernah m'hargai gw.(yaaah brapa sih harga seorang IChA dmata teman dan sahabat)
Cappppe sumpah....caape banget.
-I wanna be alone-
Icha n her stuff
huuuuufh why money is always become the heaviest problem ever????why family become the hardest problem ever??
What is a daddy for?
What was a daughter born for?
What is a mommy at home for??
And what are the tears worth for?????
I always keep in mind that i have to survive,whatever the reasons for.if i have to sacrifice my happiness,i would. If have to throw away my dream,i would...i really2 would.but how could i do those things,i even dont have any.happiness to reach,money to spend,dream to make true...i dont have any!!!!
Hhhuufff how desperate i am.what kind of condition is this??which one is better:wihtout mom?whitout daddy??or what???i againts my self to face this fuckin' heart is empty,hopeless,effortlessly and some how,i have to stand tall for my future:futere spouse,future house,future life and future called FAMILY.
Lord,my Rabb..will you guide me to somewhere where is better than this and possible to include everyone that invite only???
Am i too phatatic??hypocrite?and naive???i dont wanna become a cry baby daughter and i only wanna have brave heart and iron tears,no cry,nothing burden me,free,happy,rich,beloved mamas,lovely mom and...someone who's brought me here in the upset has been made,a madness has been felt,tears have been torn and a heart has been i cannot do anything without money.i cant survive whitout a family(which n what family???) n my beloved. And i still have to be strong than anything if i want get what i want
A gratitude
thanx 4 everything i have now. my mamas, parents,friend and job. I dont have to search more even as a human i never feel enough.
I do realize we may not satisfy so soon and try to dig for better, but i do understand there are always better and better, nothing best but God.None perfect but God and nothing satisfy us but desire.
My mamas is enough to spend my life with.My parents is more than enough as my heroin. my job is enough, too as my source to buy what i want.
Thanx God for everything.
Ur imaginary shadow
in the corner of my head, there is a shadow
There is a sketch about you in the corner of my room
there is nothing but there is something unreachable
i walk to something transparent, but seems like its far away
i sit down and stare on it, but only the back that clearly seen
i wish that shadow will turn back and look at me
i am waiting for so long.
i blink my eyes, but i feel a drop comes out from them
i wipe it. but why its harder?
i stare again to that back. i know it well
it belongs to you A thin back and thin hip. i really want to touch it but you are unreachable
You refuse me
-Friday, 17th December-
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